Meaning & Definition of word "Drogue"




  • 1. A device used to slow down a vehicle or object by creating drag in water or air, often used in maritime or aeronautical contexts.
    • Example: The sailing ship deployed a drogue to stabilize its position in the rough seas.
  • 2. A type of parachute used to create drag for deceleration, particularly in aerospace applications.
    • Example: The spacecraft released a drogue to help slow its descent before the main parachute deployed.
  • 3. A type of apparatus used to measure ocean currents, typically dragged behind a boat.
    • Example: Scientists attached a drogue to study the movement of the underwater currents.


From Middle French 'drogue', related to 'droguer' meaning to drag or tow.

Common Phrases and Expressions

drogue parachute:

A parachute designed to increase drag during descent.

drogue buoy:

A buoy that is tethered to a drogue used in oceanography.

drogue rig:

A system of drogues used for a specific application or purpose.

Related Words


The resistance force experienced by an object moving through a fluid.


A floating device that marks a location or provides mooring.

Slang Meanings of drogue

Meaning: A term used in the context of fishing gear.

Example Sentence: They rigged the boat with a drogue to keep the nets stable.

Meaning: In some contexts, referring to a device to slow down a vehicle.

Example Sentence: They installed a drogue on the race car to reduce speed before corners.