Meaning & Definition of word "Draughts"




  • 1. A board game for two players, played on an 8x8 grid, where each player moves pieces diagonally and aims to capture the opponent's pieces.
    • Example: We spent the afternoon playing draughts by the fireplace.
  • 2. The pieces used in the game of draughts.
    • Example: He set up the draughts on the board, ready for a match.
  • 3. A version of the game, known as checkers in American English.
    • Example: She introduced me to draughts, which is quite similar to the game of checkers.


  • 1. To draw or select (as in a game or lot).
    • Example: The team draughts players from local leagues for their upcoming season.


Derived from the Middle English 'draught', meaning a drawing or pulling.

Common Phrases and Expressions

to play draughts:

to engage in the game of draughts

a draughts champion:

someone who is highly skilled at playing draughts

Related Words


The American term for draughts, a game where players capture opponent's pieces.

board game:

A game involving pieces played on a board.


A plan of action designed to achieve a long-term or overall aim.

Slang Meanings of draughts

Meaning: To be checkmated

Example Sentence: He got draughted in the last round and couldn't move.

Meaning: A boring game

Example Sentence: That was a draughts match; it lacked excitement.