

Meaning & Definition

Ready to accept control or instruction; submissive.
The dog was remarkably docile, following all the commands without hesitation.
Easily taught; meek and gentle.
The docile nature of the children made them ideal candidates for the tutoring program.
Compliant or yielding.
She had a docile temperament, making her easy to work with in group projects.


From Latin 'docilis', meaning 'easily taught', derived from 'docere', meaning 'to teach'.

Common Phrases and Expressions

docile nature:
A personality trait characterized by being calm and easy to manage.
docile animal:
An animal that is easily trained and controlled.
docile student:
A student who is eager to learn and follows instructions willingly.

Related Words

Slang Meanings

A person who is easily led or controlled.
He's so docile, he just goes along with whatever the group decides.
Someone who doesn't assert their opinion.
Don’t be so docile, speak up for what you believe.