

Meaning & Definition

a party or social gathering, especially one involving eating and drinking.
We had a great do at Emily's house last night.
to perform an action or activity.
I will do my homework after dinner.
to act in a particular way.
He doesn't know how to do it correctly.
to achieve or accomplish something.
Can you do the task by tomorrow?
to carry out, execute, or accomplish.
She needs to do some research for her project.
auxiliary verb
used to form questions and negatives.
Do you like ice cream?
used for emphasis.
I do want to go to the party.


Middle English, from Old English 'dōn'; related to Dutch 'doen', German 'tun'.

Common Phrases and Expressions

do away with:
to eliminate or abolish something
do one's best:
to try as hard as one can
do the dishes:
to wash the dirty plates and utensils
do a favor:
to help someone by doing something for them
do a double take:
to look again in surprise or disbelief

Related Words

Slang Meanings

to engage in sexual activity
They went upstairs to do it.
to understand or manage something
I can't do the math problem.
to achieve or accomplish something exceptional
She really did it this time!