Meaning & Definition of word "Deviate"




  • 1. an instance of diverging from a standard or norm.
    • Example: The study noted several deviates in the data points collected from the experiment.


  • 1. to depart from an established course or norm.
    • Example: The train may deviate from the scheduled route due to construction work on the tracks.
  • 2. to turn aside or away from a path or direction.
    • Example: We might need to deviate slightly from our original plan if the weather continues to worsen.
  • 3. to differ, as in opinion or behavior.
    • Example: He tends to deviate from popular opinion when discussing political issues.


From Latin 'deviatus', the past participle of 'deviare', which means to deviate, from 'de-' meaning 'away' + 'via' meaning 'way'.

Common Phrases and Expressions

deviate from the norm:

To act in a way that is different from what is generally accepted.

don't deviate:

A warning not to stray from a plan or direction.

deviate significantly:

To change in a manner that is pronounced or noticeable.

Related Words


The act of diverging from the usual or standard.


A person who departs from societal norms or standards.

Slang Meanings of deviate

Meaning: To go off-script

Example Sentence: He totally deviated from the script during the presentation.

Meaning: To go against the grain

Example Sentence: She's known to deviate in her opinions, often going against the grain.