Meaning & Definition of word "Curl"




  • 1. A strand or tuft of something that has been curled.
    • Example: She wore her hair in soft curls that framed her face.
  • 2. A circular movement or shape.
    • Example: The curl of the wave was beautiful as it crashed on the shore.
  • 3. In sports, a specific maneuver involving the curving motion of a ball or a player.
    • Example: He executed a perfect curl during the soccer match, sending the ball around the wall.


  • 1. To form into a curved or spiral shape.
    • Example: She decided to curl her hair for the party.
  • 2. To move in a curved or spiral manner.
    • Example: The smoke began to curl up towards the ceiling.
  • 3. To cause something to bend or twist.
    • Example: The heat from the sun began to curl the edges of the paper.


Middle English 'curlen', probably from 'curly'.

Common Phrases and Expressions

curl up:

To sit or lie in a curled position.

curl one's hair:

To style one's hair into curls.

curl yourself into a ball:

To huddle or contract one's body into a tight ball.

Related Words


Having curls.


A device used to curl hair.


The action of curling, particularly in sports.

Slang Meanings of curl

Meaning: To curl up and die.

Example Sentence: After hearing the bad news, I just wanted to curl up and die.

Meaning: Curling one's lip.

Example Sentence: She had a habit of curling her lip in disdain whenever she was annoyed.