Meaning & Definition of word "Contraption"




  • 1. A mechanical device or gadget, often awkwardly or hastily assembled.
    • Example: The inventor showed off his latest contraption, which could open cans and chop vegetables simultaneously.
  • 2. A complex or unusual machine or structure.
    • Example: The roller coaster was an impressive contraption that twisted and turned in every direction.
  • 3. An elaborate, often impractical device.
    • Example: She built a strange contraption to water her plants automatically.


The word 'contraption' is believed to be a blend of 'contrive' and 'apparatus'.

Common Phrases and Expressions

Rube Goldberg contraption:

An overly complicated device designed to perform a simple task.

contraption gone wrong:

A device that has failed or malfunctioned unexpectedly.

makeshift contraption:

A temporary or improvised device made quickly.

Related Words


A gadget, especially one whose name is unknown or unspecified.


A thing made or adapted for a particular purpose.

Slang Meanings of contraption

Meaning: A quirky or inventive item, often used humorously.

Example Sentence: That old blender is such a contraption, but it still works like a charm!

Meaning: A term for a complicated setup that may not work properly.

Example Sentence: Don't trust that contraption; it looks like it might break at any moment.