Meaning & Definition of word "Contradiction"




  • 1. a situation in which consistent elements or ideas are opposed or in conflict
    • Example: His statement about being punctual was a contradiction to his habitual lateness.
  • 2. the act of stating something that is opposed to another, typically in a logical argument
    • Example: The contradiction in her argument weakened her overall point.
  • 3. a statement or proposition that contradicts another or itself, creating inconsistency
    • Example: It is a contradiction to claim that one loves freedom while simultaneously oppressing others.


From Latin 'contradictio', from 'contra' meaning 'against' and 'dicere' meaning 'to speak'.

Common Phrases and Expressions

contradiction in terms:

A combination of words or phrases that are contradictory.

contradict oneself:

To say something that opposes one's own previous statement.

walking contradiction:

Someone whose actions or statements are inconsistent.

Related Words


Not compatible or in harmony.


A statement that seemingly contradicts itself but may be true.

Slang Meanings of contradiction