Meaning & Definition of word "Consent"




  • 1. Permission for something to happen or agreement to do something.
    • Example: She gave her consent for the medical procedure.
  • 2. The agreement of all parties involved, typically in a legal context.
    • Example: The contract was valid because it was signed with the consent of all partners.
  • 3. A formal agreement or approval.
    • Example: Consent is required from both parents for the trip.


  • 1. Give permission for something to happen.
    • Example: He consented to the changes in the agreement.
  • 2. Express willingness to accept something.
    • Example: The committee consented to the proposed changes in the bylaws.
  • 3. Agree to do something.
    • Example: She consented to attend the meeting on behalf of her team.


From Latin consentire, meaning 'to feel together'.

Common Phrases and Expressions

informed consent:

A process by which a fully informed person can participate in decisions about their healthcare.

tacit consent:

Consent expressed by actions rather than words, indicating agreement without verbal confirmation.

consent form:

A document that a person signs to indicate they agree to something, often used in legal or medical contexts.

Related Words


Agreement or approval, often used in legal contexts.


Allowing someone to do something.


A mutual arrangement or understanding between parties.

Slang Meanings of consent

Meaning: It's cool.

Example Sentence: If she's okay with it, then it's all good. It's cool.

Meaning: Go ahead.

Example Sentence: If you want to use my car, just go ahead. I consent.