Meaning & Definition of word "Conflict"




  • 1. A serious disagreement or argument, typically a protracted one.
    • Example: The conflict between the two countries has lasted for decades.
  • 2. A state of mind in which a person experiences tension between opposing forces.
    • Example: She was in conflict about whether to stay in her current job or pursue a new opportunity.
  • 3. A struggle for power, property, rights, etc.
    • Example: The conflict over land rights continues to escalate.


  • 1. To be in opposition or disagreement.
    • Example: Their opinions on the project conflict with each other.
  • 2. To occur at the same time.
    • Example: The two events will conflict, making it impossible for her to attend both.


Middle English: from Old French 'conflit' or Latin 'conflictus', from 'confligere' meaning 'to strike together'.

Common Phrases and Expressions

conflict of interest:

A situation in which an individual could potentially gain personal benefit from actions or decisions made in their professional capacity.

internal conflict:

Struggle within a person's mind, such as emotions or desires.

armed conflict:

A conflict involving armed forces, typically between countries or groups.

conflict resolution:

The process of resolving a dispute or a conflict by meeting the needs of all parties.

Related Words


A means of presenting reasons or evidence in support of a position, often leading to a disagreement.


A lack of consensus or approval.


Mental or emotional strain; the state of being stretched tight, often leading to conflict.

Slang Meanings of conflict

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Example Sentence: They had a beef after the argument at the party.

Meaning: drama

Example Sentence: There's so much drama between them, it's like a constant conflict.

Meaning: fued

Example Sentence: Their fued has lasted for years.