Meaning & Definition of word "Condition"




  • 1. A state of being or circumstances affecting something or someone.
    • Example: The condition of the roads was poor due to the heavy snowfall.
  • 2. A requirement or stipulation, especially in a contract or agreement.
    • Example: The sale is subject to the condition that the buyer pays in full within 30 days.
  • 3. An illness or medical situation.
    • Example: He has a chronic condition that requires regular treatment.
  • 4. A stipulation or qualification in a legal document.
    • Example: Under the condition of the contract, both parties must maintain confidentiality.


  • 1. To put into a specified state or circumstances.
    • Example: The trainer worked to condition the athletes for the upcoming competition.
  • 2. To establish a habit or a reflex response.
    • Example: The dogs were conditioned to respond to the sound of a bell.


Middle English, from Old French 'condition' and from Latin 'conditio'.

Common Phrases and Expressions

under the condition:

implying that something will occur only if a particular stipulation is met.

in good condition:

referring to an object or person's state as being satisfactory or healthy.

conditions apply:

indicating that certain requirements must be met.

out of condition:

meaning that someone is not fit or healthy.

condition red:

a heightened state of alert.

Related Words


relating to or depending on a condition.


a substance used for improving the condition (typically of hair or fabric).


the process of training or accustoming someone to behave in a certain way.

Slang Meanings of condition

Meaning: in top condition

Example Sentence: After working out, I feel like I'm in top condition.

Meaning: bad condition

Example Sentence: This bike is in bad condition; it needs repairs.