

Meaning & Definition

In a manner that is widely or ordinarily encountered; frequently.
The term is commonly used in academic circles to describe the phenomenon.
Generally; usually.
This type of fish is commonly found in tropical waters.
In most instances; typically.
People commonly believe that the earth is flat, despite scientific evidence to the contrary.
In a way that is characteristic of most people or things.
Commonly, students struggle with time management during exams.


From Middle English 'commune', from Old French 'commun', from Latin 'communis'.

Common Phrases and Expressions

commonly known as:
A phrase used to introduce a term or name that is widely recognized.
commonly accepted:
Referring to views or practices that are generally agreed upon.
commonly found:
Refers to items or species that are typical or prevalent in certain areas.

Related Words

Slang Meanings

This is the commonly used method for solving the problem.
That's just the commonly accepted facts.