Meaning & Definition
The action or process of gathering or assembling items or data.
The collection of data for the research project took several months.
A group of items or works that are gathered together, often for a specific purpose or theme.
She has an impressive collection of rare coins.
A set of works of art, literature, or music gathered by a particular person or institution.
The museum's collection includes paintings from the Renaissance period.
A sum of money collected for a specific purpose, often during a charitable event.
The collection taken at the concert was donated to local charities.
Late Middle English: from Latin collectio(n-), from colligere 'gather together'.
Common Phrases and Expressions
collection agency:
A business that pursues payments of debts owed by individuals or businesses.
collection plate:
A receptacle in churches for monetary donations.
data collection:
The process of gathering and measuring information on variables of interest.
Slang Meanings
A stack of belongings or items that one possesses.
I've got a huge collection of shoes.
Refers to a popular item or set of items that are in demand.
That new game has become a real collection among teens.