Meaning & Definition of word "Coffin"




  • 1. A box or chest, typically made of wood, in which a dead body is placed for burial.
    • Example: The family chose a beautiful oak coffin for the ceremony.
  • 2. A receptacle for storage, especially one used for the burial of a deceased person.
    • Example: The ancient Egyptians often placed valuable items in the coffin with the mummy.
  • 3. Something that resembles a coffin in shape or function.
    • Example: The abandoned car sat like a coffin in the middle of the field.


Middle English, from Old French 'coffyn', diminutive of 'coffre' meaning chest or box.

Common Phrases and Expressions

six feet under:

Refers to being dead and buried.

coffin nail:

A slang term for a cigarette, referencing its fatal impact on health.

drop like a stone:

To die suddenly.

Related Words


A ceremony for honoring and burying a deceased person.


The act of placing a dead body in the ground.


The act of burning a dead body to ashes.

Slang Meanings of coffin

Meaning: Coffin dodger

Example Sentence: That old man is a coffin dodger, still riding his motorcycle at his age.

Meaning: In the coffin

Example Sentence: After the scandal, he was out of the business, dead in the coffin.