Meaning & Definition of word "Chart"
- 1. A sheet of information in the form of a table, graph, or diagram.
- Example: The chart displayed the sales figures for the past year.
- 2. A graphical representation of data.
- Example: The line chart illustrates the increase in temperatures over the decade.
- 3. A map or a graphical representation related to navigation.
- Example: The captain consulted the nautical chart before setting sail.
- 1. To represent data in a graphical or tabular form.
- Example: We need to chart our progress over the next few months.
- 2. To make a plan or a record of something.
- Example: She will chart the development of the project over time.
●Middle English, from Latin 'charta' meaning 'card, leaf of paper'.
Common Phrases and Expressions
chart a course:
To make a plan or course of action.
on the charts:
Referring to a ranking list, especially in music or sales.
flow chart:
A diagram that represents a workflow or process.
Related Words
A diagram representing a system of connections.
A representation of an area showing physical features.
Slang Meanings of chart
Meaning: A popular trend or something that is highly regarded.
● Example Sentence: That new restaurant is charting right now.
Meaning: To become increasingly successful or popular.
● Example Sentence: Her career is really charting after that last movie.