Meaning & Definition of word "Cent"




  • 1. A unit of currency equal to one hundredth of a dollar.
    • Example: I found a cent on the sidewalk while walking to the store.
  • 2. A coin or note representing this amount.
    • Example: He saved all his pennies and cents to buy a new toy.
  • 3. An informal term used to refer to a person's opinions or thoughts, as in 'give your two cents.'
    • Example: She offered her two cents on the matter during the meeting.


From the Latin 'centum,' meaning 'hundred.'

Common Phrases and Expressions

not worth a cent:

Of little or no value.

every cent counts:

Every small amount of money is important.

not a cent to my name:

To have no money at all.

Related Words


Plural form indicating multiple units of currency.


Relating to a hundred years.


A commander in the Roman army, historically linked to the number hundred.

Slang Meanings of cent

Meaning: A small amount of money or value.

Example Sentence: I have only a couple of cents to my name.

Meaning: To be cheap or stingy.

Example Sentence: He's so cent, he won't even buy a round.