Meaning & Definition of word "Cease"




  • 1. to bring or come to an end; to stop.
    • Example: The company decided to cease production of the outdated model.
  • 2. to discontinue an action or activity.
    • Example: Please cease talking during the presentation.
  • 3. to come to a stop; to terminate.
    • Example: The fireworks will cease after midnight.
  • 4. to stop occurrence or action.
    • Example: Efforts to cease the conflict have been ongoing for years.


Middle English, from the Old French cesser, from Latin cessare 'to cease, stop'

Common Phrases and Expressions

cease and desist:

a legal order to stop an action

cease fire:

a command to stop shooting or hostilities

cease being:

to stop existing or functioning

Related Words


the fact or process of ending or being brought to an end


to bring to an end


to bring to an end

Slang Meanings of cease

Meaning: to give up or quit

Example Sentence: I had to cease my bad habits if I wanted to get healthy.

Meaning: to chill or relax, often in the context of stopping work

Example Sentence: After a long week, I just want to cease and chill this weekend.