

Meaning & Definition

a fungal disease affecting plants, especially trees, characterized by the formation of cankers on the bark or wood.
The apple tree suffered from canker, causing its branches to die off.
a sore or ulcer, particularly in the mouth.
She developed a painful canker on her tongue.
something that corrupts or destroys.
Greed can be a canker that ruins relationships.
to infect with canker or disease.
The gardener feared that the soil might canker the healthy plants.


Middle English, from Old North French cancre, which means crab or cancer.

Common Phrases and Expressions

canker sore:
A painful sore in the mouth.
canker in the soul:
A profound moral decay or corruption.

Related Words

Slang Meanings

Something annoying or bothersome.
That guy is such a canker, always complaining.
A bad habit or negative influence.
Social media can be a canker on one's mental health.