Meaning & Definition of word "Callous"




  • 1. Showing or having an insensitive and cruel disregard for others.
    • Example: His callous remarks about the accident shocked everyone present.
  • 2. Emotionally insensitive; lacking feelings.
    • Example: She was criticized for her callous attitude toward the victims of the disaster.
  • 3. Having calluses; toughened or hardened.
    • Example: The callous skin on his hands demonstrated years of hard labor.


Late Latin callosus, meaning 'hard-skinned'.

Common Phrases and Expressions

callous indifference:

A complete lack of concern for the feelings of others.

callous behavior:

Actions that are cruel or unfeeling.

Related Words


The quality of being emotionally insensitive.


Made unfeeling or insensitive.

Slang Meanings of callous

Meaning: Cold-hearted

Example Sentence: That dude is so cold-hearted for not caring about the dog's plight.

Meaning: Stone-cold

Example Sentence: She's stone-cold when it comes to people's feelings.