Meaning & Definition of word "Bloodless"




  • 1. Lacking in emotion or passion; cold or impersonal.
    • Example: The presentation was so bloodless that many attendees felt disengaged.
  • 2. Characterized by the absence of bloodshed or violence.
    • Example: The treaty was a bloodless resolution to a conflict that had threatened to escalate.
  • 3. Not vigorous or lacking vitality; weak.
    • Example: She delivered a bloodless performance that failed to excite the audience.


From the combination of 'blood' and '-less', indicating the absence of blood.

Common Phrases and Expressions

bloodless victory:

A victory achieved without any violence or loss.

bloodless coup:

A takeover of power without bloodshed.

bloodless revolution:

A change in government or policy that occurs without violence.

Related Words


Optimistic or positive, especially in a difficult situation.


Not involving any bloodshed.


Lacking color or liveliness.

Slang Meanings of bloodless

Meaning: Describing someone who lacks passion or enthusiasm.

Example Sentence: Her response to the exciting news was so bloodless, it was hard to tell she was interested.

Meaning: Referring to an event that had no drama or excitement.

Example Sentence: That party was pretty bloodless, nobody danced or talked much.