Meaning & Definition
A stick or rod used by a conductor to lead an orchestra or by a leader to signal a group.
The conductor raised his baton to signal the start of the symphony.
A thin, heavy stick used in relay races, passed from one runner to another.
She ran the final leg of the relay, gripping the baton tightly.
A ceremonial staff or stick carried as a symbol of authority or office.
The mayor carried a silver baton during the parade.
A stick used by a drummer to strike a drum.
He expertly twirled the drum baton before beginning the performance.
French, meaning 'stick' or 'staff'.
Common Phrases and Expressions
passing the baton:
Transferring responsibility or leadership to someone else.
baton charge:
A police tactic involving the use of a baton to disperse crowds.
Slang Meanings
To hand over responsibility.
When he left the company, he had to baton the project to his successor.
To act as a mediator in a disagreement.
She always ends up batting the baton when her friends quarrel.