Meaning & Definition of word "Aspect"




  • 1. A particular part or feature of something.
    • Example: One important aspect of the project is its environmental impact.
  • 2. The way in which something can be viewed or considered.
    • Example: From an economic aspect, the decision to build a new factory is beneficial.
  • 3. A distinct feature or characteristic of something.
    • Example: The cultural aspect of the festival attracted many visitors.
  • 4. The position or direction in which something faces.
    • Example: The house has a southern aspect, allowing for plenty of sunlight.
  • 5. A particular appearance or quality.
    • Example: The fresh aspect of the flowers brightened the room.


From Latin 'aspectus', from 'aspicere' meaning 'to look at'.

Common Phrases and Expressions

in every aspect:

In all parts or features.

aspect of life:

A specific part of one's existence.

positive aspect:

A beneficial feature.

negative aspect:

A drawback or disadvantage.

Related Words


A particular side or aspect of something.


A distinctive attribute or characteristic.


An aspect or feature of a situation.


A particular attitude toward or way of regarding something.

Slang Meanings of aspect

Meaning: To touch on a topic briefly.

Example Sentence: Let's just aspect this topic and move on.

Meaning: To view something from a different angle.

Example Sentence: He decided to aspect the problem differently to find a solution.