Meaning & Definition
A person or group that cooperates with or helps another in a particular activity.
In the fight against climate change, we need to find allies in our community.
A state formally cooperating with another for a military or other purpose.
The two countries have been strong allies since the treaty was signed.
A member of a marginalized group who advocates for social justice and equity for all, not just their own group.
As an ally, she stands up for the rights of those who are oppressed.
To unite formally with another for a shared purpose.
The organizations allied to tackle the issue of poverty.
To associate or connect in a mutual relationship.
They decided to ally themselves with the environmental movement.
Middle English 'aleye', from Old French 'alier', from Latin 'alligare' meaning 'to bind to' or 'to bind together'.
Common Phrases and Expressions
ally in the fight:
A person or group that supports someone in a struggle or cause.
form an alliance:
To come together formally for mutual benefit.
close ally:
A trustworthy supporter or partner.
Slang Meanings
A close friend or supporter within a particular community.
In the LGBTQ+ community, it's common to refer to supportive individuals as allies.
Someone who actively supports a cause without being part of the targeted group.
True allies stand up for equal rights and fight against discrimination.