Meaning & Definition of word "Affinity"




  • 1. A natural liking for and understanding of someone or something.
    • Example: She has an affinity for classical music, often found attending concerts.
  • 2. A similarity of characteristics suggesting a relationship, especially a resemblance in structure between animals, plants, or languages.
    • Example: There is a strong affinity between the languages, making them easier to learn for speakers of one.
  • 3. A spontaneous or natural liking or sympathy for someone or something.
    • Example: He felt an immediate affinity with her, as if they had known each other for years.
  • 4. A relationship between two entities based on a shared quality or feature.
    • Example: The affinity between the two companies led them to form a successful partnership.


From Middle French 'affinité', from Latin 'affinitas', meaning 'relationship, kinship'.

Common Phrases and Expressions

affinity group:

A collection of individuals sharing similar interests or characteristics.

affinity with nature:

A deep connection or bond felt with the natural environment.

cultural affinity:

A shared cultural heritage or connection among a group.

Related Words


In mathematics, referring to transformations that preserve points, straight lines, and planes.

affinity chromatography:

A technique used to separate biological molecules based on their interaction.


Plural form referring to multiple instances of natural liking or relationships.

Slang Meanings of affinity

Meaning: A strong connection or a vibe with someone.

Example Sentence: When I met him, there was an instant affinity; we clicked right away.

Meaning: Being drawn to a particular group or style.

Example Sentence: Her affinity for punk rock music really shows in her wardrobe.