

Meaning & Definition

to have an effect on; to make a change in.
The news of the disaster is affecting everyone in the community.
to touch the feelings of; to move emotionally.
The movie was so powerful that it was affecting all of the viewers.
touching or moving; stirring emotions.
She gave an affecting speech that brought many to tears.


From Middle English 'affecten', from Old French 'affecter', from Latin 'afficere'.

Common Phrases and Expressions

affecting change:
Making a significant impact in circumstances or conditions.
affecting the outcome:
Influencing the results of a situation.

Related Words

Slang Meanings

Hitting you in the feels.
That song is just so affecting; it really gets to me.
Emotional rollercoaster.
That movie was an affecting ride; I laughed, cried, and felt everything in between.