

Meaning & Definition

a person who holds absolute principles in political, philosophical, or theological matters.
The philosopher was known as an absolutist, believing that moral truths were universal and unchanging.
a supporter of an absolute monarchy or government.
As an absolutist, she defended the divine right of kings and the need for a strong centralized power.
relating to or supporting absolute principles.
The absolutist regime enforced strict laws, leaving no room for dissent.


Derived from the word 'absolute' combined with the suffix '-ist', indicating a person who supports or practices.

Common Phrases and Expressions

absolutist regime:
A government that holds absolute power.
absolute power corrupts absolutely:
The idea that a person with unlimited power is led to misuse that power.
moral absolutism:
The belief in absolute standards against which moral questions can be judged.

Related Words

Slang Meanings

Authority freak
He's such an authority freak; he thinks his way is the only right way.
Control freak
Her absolutist approach makes her a control freak in group projects.