

Meaning & Definition

Made to feel ashamed or embarrassed.
The abashed student looked down at her desk after answering the question incorrectly.
Feeling self-conscious or uncomfortable due to a mistake or faux pas.
She felt abashed at being praised for something she thought was minor.
Feeling embarrassed or ashamed.
He was abashed when he realized he had forgotten his lines during the play.


Derived from the past participle of 'abash,' which comes from Middle English 'abasshen' and Old French 'abaisser', meaning to lower or put down.

Common Phrases and Expressions

get abashed:
to become embarrassed
stay abashed:
to remain in a state of embarrassment
look abashed:
to appear embarrassed or ashamed

Related Words

Slang Meanings

Feel awkward or shy.
When he started talking about his crush, he got totally abashed.
Feel out of place or uncomfortable.
She felt abashed at the fancy party, not knowing anyone.