Meaning & Definition of word "Distant"




  • 1. Far away in space or time.
    • Example: The distant mountains were barely visible through the haze.
  • 2. Emotionally or socially removed; aloof.
    • Example: She felt distant from her friends after moving to a new city.
  • 3. Not closely related; remote.
    • Example: He discovered that they were actually distant cousins.
  • 4. Not immediate; occurring far off in the future.
    • Example: The distant future holds many possibilities we cannot yet imagine.


From Old French 'distant,' from Latin 'distantem', present participle of 'distare' meaning 'to stand apart.'

Common Phrases and Expressions

distant cousin:

A cousin who is not closely related.

distant memory:

A memory that is faded or less vivid.

distant land:

A place that is far away, often referenced in travel.

Related Words


The amount of space between two points.


In a way that is far away or remote.


The act of creating space or separation.

Slang Meanings of distant

Meaning: Distant in emotions or relationships, often used to describe a cold person.

Example Sentence: He's so distant, it's like he lives in another world.

Meaning: Being unapproachable or hard to connect with.

Example Sentence: I tried talking to her, but she seems distant lately.