

Meaning & Definition

An official appointed by a government to live in a foreign city and protect and promote the government's interests there.
The consul arranged for the citizens to receive assistance during the crisis.
A title used for certain diplomatic ranks, often associated with consular services, dealing with citizens and trade.
The consul held a meeting to discuss trade relations between the two countries.
In ancient Rome, one of the two highest elected officials who governed the republic.
Julius Caesar was a famous consul of Rome before becoming dictator.


From Latin 'consul', literally meaning 'to consult, to advise'.

Common Phrases and Expressions

consul general:
A high-ranking consul with broader responsibilities overseeing multiple consulates.
honorary consul:
A person appointed to assist the consulate but not a career diplomat.

Related Words

Slang Meanings

Consul can refer informally to any authority figure in a foreign context.
He's like our consul when we travel abroad, helping us navigate the local customs.
In the gaming community, 'consul' may refer to a leader or overseer in role-playing games.
The consul of our gaming group made the final call on the quest's direction.