A situation in chess where a player's king is in a position to be captured ('in check') and there is no way for that player to move the king out of capture.
After a long game, she finally announced checkmate and claimed victory.
A definitive defeat or a situation where someone has been outmaneuvered or outsmarted.
The negotiation ended in checkmate for the opposing team, leaving them with no options.
To put an opponent's king in checkmate.
He checkmated his opponent with a clever move.
To defeat someone decisively or to outsmart them.
She checkmated him in the debate with her final argument.
Derived from the Persian phrase 'shāh māt', meaning 'the king is dead'.
Common Phrases and Expressions
checkmate in 3
A chess strategy that results in checkmate in three moves.
An exclamation used when defeating someone in chess or in a competitive situation.
Related Words
A situation in chess where the king is under immediate threat.
The most important piece in the game of chess.
Slang Meanings
A term used to signify a decisive victory in any competition.
He scored the final point and it was total checkmate.
To be in an unbeatable or unavoidable situation.
After that last argument, she had him in checkmate.