

Meaning & Definition

the criminal act of deliberately setting fire to property.
The investigation revealed that the building was a victim of arson.
a charge or accusation of committing the crime of arson.
He was arrested and faced charges of arson after the fire consumed several businesses.
the act of causing a fire with the intent to cause damage or harm.
The authorities are cracking down on arson to protect the community from dangerous fires.


From Middle English 'arsoun', from Old French 'arson', from Latin 'ardere' meaning 'to burn'.

Common Phrases and Expressions

commit arson:
To intentionally set fire to something, usually for illegal purposes.
charge with arson:
To accuse or prosecute someone for the crime of arson.
arson investigation:
An inquiry into the circumstances and causes surrounding a suspected act of arson.

Related Words

Slang Meanings

Burn the place down
When the party got out of control, he joked about burning the place down.
He's such a firestarter; you just can't trust him with matches.