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Meaning & Definition of Amazing in English





1. Surprising greatly

  • "She does an amazing amount of work"
  • "The dog was capable of astonishing tricks"
  • amazing,
  • astonishing

2. Inspiring awe or admiration or wonder

  • "New york is an amazing city"
  • "The grand canyon is an awe-inspiring sight"
  • "The awesome complexity of the universe"
  • "This sea, whose gently awful stirrings seem to speak of some hidden soul beneath"- melville
  • "Westminster hall's awing majesty, so vast, so high, so silent"
  • amazing,
  • awe-inspiring,
  • awesome,
  • awful,
  • awing

Examples of using

The most amazing thing happened this afternoon.
I think you're amazing.
It was amazing.