Meaning & Definition of word "Wreath"






    • 1. An arrangement of flowers, leaves, or stems fastened in a ring and used for decoration or for laying on a grave.
      • Example: The family placed a beautiful wreath on the grave in remembrance of their loved one.
    • 2. A circular band or arrangement, typically of foliage or flowers.
      • Example: None
    • 3. A crown or garland made of such arrangements, often worn on the head.
      • Example: None


    • 1. To make or form into a wreath.
      • Example: They decided to wreath the entrance with fresh flowers for the wedding celebration.


    The word 'wreath' comes from the Old English 'writha', meaning a twist or a band.

    Common Phrases and Expressions

    wreath of flowers:

    A decorative arrangement made of flowers, typically for ceremonial purposes.

    wreath a head:

    To adorn one's head with a circular arrangement of leaves or flowers.

    Related Words


    A decorative covering made of flowers and leaves, often used for decoration or celebrations.


    A circular ornamental headdress worn by royalty.

    Slang Meanings of wreath