Meaning & Definition of word "Prone"
- 1. Likely to suffer from, do, or experience something, typically something undesirable.
- Example: He is prone to making mistakes when he is tired.
- 2. Having a tendency to be affected by something.
- Example: Children are more prone to illness during the winter months.
- 3. Lying flat or with the front facing downward.
- Example: She was found prone on the ground after the fall.
Late Middle English: from Latin pronus 'bent forward, inclined'.
Common Phrases and Expressions
prone to error:
Likely to make mistakes.
prone position:
A body position where one is lying flat.
prone to exaggeration:
Tending to overstate or embellish.
Related Words
Likely to be influenced by a particular thing.
Likely to experience something unpleasant.
Having a tendency to do something.
Slang Meanings of prone
Meaning: To be in a bad situation or likely to fail.
Example Sentence: With all the mistakes he made, he's pretty much prone.
Meaning: Prone to drama or exaggeration in situations.
Example Sentence: She's so prone, every little thing is a big deal.