Meaning & Definition of word "Piece"






    • 1. A portion or part of a whole, often referring to a discrete item or segment.
      • Example: Can I have a piece of cake?
    • 2. An artistic work, such as a song, painting, or literary composition.
      • Example: She composed a beautiful piece for the piano.
    • 3. A unit of production or a distinct item used in a game.
      • Example: He moved his piece on the chessboard.
    • 4. An instance of something in a broader context, often used in expressions like 'a piece of advice' or 'a piece of news'.
      • Example: I need a piece of advice on how to handle this situation.


    • 1. To break or split something into parts, or to assemble parts to create something.
      • Example: They had to piece together the evidence to solve the case.
    • 2. To form something by joining parts.
      • Example: He pieced the puzzle after spending hours on it.


    Middle English, from Old French 'piece', from Latin 'pax, paccis', meaning 'a weight, a portion'.

    Common Phrases and Expressions

    piece of cake:

    something very easy to do

    piece of work:

    a person who is difficult or troublesome

    to make a piece of:

    to create or assemble something

    piece together:

    to combine parts to form a whole

    bring to pieces:

    to break into many parts or to ruin something

    Related Words


    a small part broken off or detached


    a part or section of something larger


    a part or element of a larger whole


    a thin, broad piece cut from something


    a basic or essential part of something

    Slang Meanings of piece

    Meaning: a gun

    Example Sentence: He pulled out his piece during the altercation.

    Meaning: a person or thing that is considered untrustworthy or not serious

    Example Sentence: That guy is a piece of work.