

Meaning & Definition

a musical interval consisting of eight diatonic scale degrees.
He was thrilled to reach the high C an octave above the middle C.
a set of eight notes occupying the interval between two notes, one of which is at least double the frequency of the other.
The piano has several octaves that span the full range of sound.
the eighth line of a sonnet, especially in Italian poetry.
The poem concluded with an octave that beautifully encapsulated the theme.


From Latin 'octavus', meaning 'eighth'.

Common Phrases and Expressions

octave leap:
A jump from one note to a note an octave higher.
octave scale:
A progression of notes that spans an octave.
octave equivalence:
The concept that notes an octave apart are perceived as similar.

Related Words

Slang Meanings

A reference to high musical notes.
That singer hits some serious octave in her range!
A level of intensity or excitement in music.
The party hit an octave when the DJ dropped that track.