

Meaning & Definition

of great importance or significance, especially in having a bearing on future events.
The signing of the peace treaty was a momentous occasion in the history of the two countries.
having far-reaching consequences; of critical importance.
Her momentous decision to pursue a career in medicine changed the course of her life.
lacking triviality; of considerable magnitude.
The momentous discovery of a new species of plant excited the entire scientific community.


Originated from the Latin word 'momentosus', meaning significant.

Common Phrases and Expressions

momentous occasion:
An event that is significant or important.
a momentous decision:
A decision of great importance.
momentous change:
A significant or transformative change.

Related Words

Slang Meanings

A big deal.
Graduating from college is a momentous moment, or as we like to say, a big deal!
A game-changer.
That new policy was a momentous shift in how things are done; definitely a game-changer!