Meaning & Definition of word "Insensitive"
- 1. lacking sensitivity or concern for the feelings of others; unfeeling.
- Example: His insensitive remarks during the meeting hurt many of his colleagues.
- 2. not responsive to stimuli; lacking physical sensitivity.
- Example: The patient was found to have an insensitive reaction to pain in that area.
- 3. not affected by or showing no reaction to something.
- Example: She appeared insensitive to the criticism directed at her performance.
From in- meaning 'not' + sensitive.
Common Phrases and Expressions
insensitive to:
Not aware or considerate of others' feelings.
insensitive remark:
A comment that ignores the feelings of others.
emotionally insensitive:
Lacking emotional awareness or empathy.
Related Words
The quality of being sensitive; the capacity to respond emotionally.
The ability to appreciate and respond to complex emotional or aesthetic influences.
The ability to understand and share the feelings of another.
Slang Meanings of insensitive
Meaning: Cold-hearted
Example Sentence: He's so cold-hearted, he didn't even flinch at the bad news.
Meaning: Stone-cold
Example Sentence: She's stone-cold when it comes to other people's problems.