

Meaning & Definition

A device or tool created to fulfill a particular purpose or to achieve a certain result.
The inventor's latest contrivance promises to save energy in homes.
A scheme or plan that is cleverly devised, often involving a certain degree of ingenuity or cunning.
His contrivance to win the competition was both creative and effective.
An artificial or specially designed object that may seem awkward or not natural.
The clock was more of a contrivance than a true work of art.


Late Middle English: from Old French 'contrivance', from contriver, based on Latin 'con-' (together) + 'trovare' (to find).

Common Phrases and Expressions

breakthrough contrivance:
A significant new invention or method that greatly improves a process or solves a problem.
clever contrivance:
An invention or scheme that demonstrates ingenuity or inventiveness.

Related Words

Slang Meanings

A clever ruse or scheme.
That party was a real contrivance to get everyone together.
A makeshift solution.
His idea was just a contrivance to fix the broken chair for the evening.