Meaning & Definition of word "Transporter"






    • 1. A person or vehicle that carries or moves goods or people from one place to another.
      • Example: The transporter delivered the furniture to our new home.
    • 2. A means of transportation, especially a vehicle for moving people or goods.
      • Example: He works as a transporter for a logistics company, handling shipments across the country.
    • 3. A device or system for transporting something, especially in construction or manufacturing.
      • Example: The factory uses an automated transporter to move products along the assembly line.
    • 4. In the context of genetics, a protein or molecule that facilitates the movement of substances across cell membranes.
      • Example: The glucose transporter plays a critical role in maintaining energy homeostasis in the body.
    • 5. A company or service that provides transportation options.
      • Example: We hired a transporter to take us to the airport on time.


    Late 19th century: from 'transport' + '-er'.

    Common Phrases and Expressions

    freight transporter:

    A vehicle or entity that carries freight or cargo.

    public transporter:

    A service that carries people or goods in the public sector.

    heavy-duty transporter:

    A vehicles designed to carry heavy loads.

    Related Words


    The act of moving goods or people from one place to another.


    The detailed organization and implementation of a complex operation.

    Slang Meanings of transporter

    Meaning: Transpo

    Example Sentence: Hey, I'm calling for a transpo to pick us up.

    Meaning: Cargo jack

    Example Sentence: We hired a cargo jack to help us move.