

Meaning & Definition

A sound, especially one that is loud or unpleasant or that causes disturbance.
The construction site generated a lot of noise throughout the day.
A sound that lacks meaning or is not understood in context.
The radio was just making noise; I could hardly hear the music.
Any unwanted or disruptive sound, especially in an audio context.
The noise from the traffic made it difficult to concentrate on my work.
Random fluctuations in a data signal or measurement, often considered detrimental.
The image had a lot of noise due to the low light conditions.


Middle English, from Old French 'noise', from Latin 'nausea' (seasickness).

Common Phrases and Expressions

make a noise:
to create sound or commotion.
noise complaint:
a formal grievance concerning excessive sound.
deafening noise:
extremely loud sound that can overwhelm the senses.
white noise:
a consistent sound that masks other noises.

Related Words

Slang Meanings

Something exciting or impressive.
That party was straight-up noise!
A situation that is causing some buzz or attention.
There's a lot of noise around the new album release.