Meaning & Definition of word "Morgue"






    • 1. A place where dead bodies are kept, especially for identification or before burial.
      • Example: The detective visited the morgue to examine the body for clues.
    • 2. A reference to a repository of information, often used metaphorically for a collection of discarded or obsolete material.
      • Example: The old files in the office were relegated to the digital morgue, rarely accessed by anyone.


    The word 'morgue' comes from the French 'morgue', which refers to a place where corpses are kept. Its origin is possibly linked to the Latin 'mors', meaning 'death'.

    Common Phrases and Expressions

    morgue file:

    A collection of photographs of unidentified corpses or crime scene images for investigative purposes.

    morgue conditions:

    A colloquial term used to describe a very cold and lifeless atmosphere.

    Related Words


    A place where dead bodies are prepared for burial or cremation.


    An official responsible for investigating deaths, particularly those happening under unusual circumstances.


    A medical examination of a dead body to determine the cause of death.

    Slang Meanings of morgue

    Meaning: A term used in a morbid or humorous context to indicate a location where one feels lifeless.

    Example Sentence: This party feels like a morgue!

    Meaning: In a figurative sense, referring to a very dull place or situation.

    Example Sentence: The meeting was a total morgue.