Meaning & Definition of word "Gaudy"






    • 1. Extravagantly bright or showy, typically so as to be tasteless.
      • Example: The hall was decorated with gaudy streamers and balloons for the party.
    • 2. Characterized by vulgar, ostentatious display; flashy.
      • Example: She wore a gaudy dress that attracted all the wrong kind of attention.
    • 3. Overly ornate; excessively elaborate in decoration or style.
      • Example: The architecture of the building was considered gaudy by modern standards.


    From Middle English 'gaudy', from Old French 'gaudi', from Latin 'gaudium' meaning 'joy'.

    Common Phrases and Expressions

    gaudy display:

    An ostentatiously showy exhibition, often lacking elegance.

    gaudy colors:

    Very bright colors that are often seen as tasteless.

    gaudy party:

    A party characterized by excessive decoration or ostentatiousness.

    Related Words


    Characterized by vulgar or pretentious display; designed to impress or attract notice.


    Attractive or impressive but lacking in depth or subtlety.

    Slang Meanings of gaudy

    Meaning: Too flashy or excessive.

    Example Sentence: That outfit is just gaudy for a casual night out.

    Meaning: In bad taste; overly extravagant.

    Example Sentence: Her gaudy choice of nail polish clashed with her outfit.