Meaning & Definition of word "Shrinking"
- 1. Present participle of shrink; to become smaller in size, amount, or value.
- Example: The ice was shrinking as the temperature rose.
- 2. To make something smaller or to become smaller.
- Example: The company is shrinking its workforce due to budget cuts.
- 3. To retreat or withdraw.
- Example: He felt his confidence shrinking under the pressure of the situation.
- 4. To diminish in intensity or importance.
- Example: Her enthusiasm for the project was shrinking day by day.
Derived from the Old English 'scrincan', meaning 'to draw together, contract'.
Common Phrases and Expressions
shrinking violet:
A person who is shy and timid.
shrinking economy:
An economy that is contracting or declining.
shrinking market:
A market experiencing reduced demand.
Related Words
To become smaller.
To make smaller or narrower.
To make or become less.
Slang Meanings of shrinking
Meaning: To give up or retreat in a situation.
Example Sentence: He was shrinking from the challenge.
Meaning: To become overwhelmed and withdraw.
Example Sentence: When the pressure was too much, he started shrinking away from his friends.