Meaning & Definition of word "Prophetic"






    • 1. Relating to or characteristic of a prophet or prophecy; foretelling or predicting events.
      • Example: The prophetic visions of the old seer captivated the villagers and made them reconsider their future.
    • 2. Serving as a warning or indication of a future event; predictive.
      • Example: His prophetic comments about the economy proved to be accurate as the downturn unfolded.
    • 3. Having the power to predict; prescient.
      • Example: The prophetic nature of her dreams often left her feeling uneasy about what lay ahead.


    From Old French 'prophetique', from Late Latin 'propheticus', from Greek 'prophetikos'.

    Common Phrases and Expressions

    prophetic dreams:

    Dreams that are believed to predict future events.

    prophetic voice:

    A voice that speaks messages of warning or guidance, often with authority.

    in a prophetic way:

    In a manner that predicts future occurrences.

    Related Words


    A person regarded as an inspired teacher or proclaimer of the will of God.


    A prediction of what will happen in the future.


    A female prophet.

    Slang Meanings of prophetic

    Meaning: To have an uncanny ability to predict outcomes.

    Example Sentence: That guy is so prophetic, he always knows who will win the game!

    Meaning: Having foresight or intuition about events.

    Example Sentence: She had a prophetic feeling about the relationship from the start.