Meaning & Definition of word "Hourly"
- 1. Occurring every hour.
- Example: The shuttle bus runs hourly, providing convenient transportation for visitors.
- 2. Paid or charged on an hourly basis.
- Example: She earns an hourly wage that increases with her experience.
- 1. Every hour.
- Example: The temperature is checked hourly to ensure proper safety measures.
- 2. At the end of every hour.
- Example: The reports are updated hourly to reflect the latest data.
●From 'hour' + '-ly', meaning 'pertaining to the hour'.
Common Phrases and Expressions
hourly wage:
The amount of money earned per hour worked.
hourly rate:
The price or charge for services on an hourly basis.
hourly news:
News updates that are provided every hour.
Related Words
A unit of time equal to 60 minutes.
A unit of time equal to 1/60 of an hour.
A measured or measurable period during which an action, process, or condition exists or continues.
Slang Meanings of hourly
Meaning: Hourly grind
● Example Sentence: The hourly grind can be exhausting, but the paycheck is worth it.
Meaning: Hourly hustle
● Example Sentence: He’s in the hourly hustle game, juggling multiple jobs to make ends meet.