Meaning & Definition of word "Fetter"






    • 1. a chain or manacle used to restrain someone’s feet.
      • Example: The soldiers removed the fetters from the captive’s ankles.
    • 2. a limitation or restriction on someone or something.
      • Example: The government’s regulations acted as a fetter on innovation in the technology sector.


    • 1. to restrain with chains or manacles; to bind.
      • Example: The prisoner was fettered by heavy chains to prevent escape.
    • 2. to restrict or restrain someone in a way that limits their freedom.
      • Example: Her responsibilities at work fettered her ability to pursue her studies.


    Middle English 'fettren', from Old French 'fettre', from Latin 'fetter' (to bind).

    Common Phrases and Expressions

    fetter someone’s creativity:

    To limit someone's ability to think freely.

    fettered by circumstances:

    Restricted by the current situation.

    Related Words


    A device for securing the legs of a prisoner.


    A measure or condition that keeps something under control.

    Slang Meanings of fetter

    Meaning: To be tied down or restricted in life choices.

    Example Sentence: After getting married, he felt fettered by his new responsibilities.

    Meaning: To have one's hands tied in a situation.

    Example Sentence: The bureaucratic process fettered her ability to help her community.