

Meaning & Definition

Having feminine qualities or characteristics; unmanly.
His effeminate mannerisms drew unwanted attention from his peers.
Weak, soft, or delicate in nature, often in a way considered inappropriate for a man.
The effeminate design of the clothing was criticized for not being masculine enough.
A term used to describe a man who displays characteristics culturally associated with women.
In the movie, the protagonist struggles with his effeminate traits in a hyper-masculine society.


From Latin 'effeminatus', meaning 'made womanish' or 'soft'.

Common Phrases and Expressions

effeminate behavior:
Behavior that is considered stereotypically feminine.
effeminate man:
A man exhibiting traits traditionally associated with women.

Related Words

Slang Meanings

Nelly (slang)
He acts so nelly, always choosing the pink shades.
Sassy (slang)
Don't be so sassy, it's so effeminate.