Meaning & Definition of word "Baseless"




  • 1. Without foundation in fact; unfounded or groundless.
    • Example: The accusations made against him were completely baseless.
  • 2. Lacking a basis in reality or support.
    • Example: Her fears about losing her job were baseless, as her performance reviews were exemplary.
  • 3. Not based on any evidence or reason.
    • Example: Many of the conspiracy theories circulating online are baseless and misleading.
  • 4. Not supported by any logical argument or data.
    • Example: The lawyer argued that the claim was baseless and should be dismissed.


From base + less, meaning lacking a base.

Common Phrases and Expressions

baseless rumor:

A rumor that has no factual basis.

baseless accusation:

An accusation that is not supported by evidence.

baseless claim:

A claim made without any proof or justification.

Related Words


The basis or groundwork of something.


The underlying support or foundation for an idea or argument.


The basis or reason for something.

Slang Meanings of baseless

Meaning: Nonsense

Example Sentence: That theory is just baseless, it's pure nonsense.

Meaning: Bull

Example Sentence: Those claims are all baseless, it's just bull.