Health groups have called for an urgent summit to tackle alcohol-fuelled violence, which has reached epidemic proportions throughout the country.
Hälsogrupper har krävt ett brådskande toppmöte för att ta itu med alkoholdrivet våld, som har nått epidemiska proportioner i hela landet.
Nelson Mandela was one of those rare people who manage to win universal acclaim throughout the world.
Nelson Mandela var en av de sällsynta människor som lyckas vinna universellt bifall över hela världen.
Newspaper stands are scattered here and there throughout the city.
Tidningsmontrar finns utspridda här och var i hela staden.
Tea is a popular beverage throughout the world.
Te är en populär dryck över hela världen.
They travelled all throughout Europe with me!
De reste över hela Europa med mig!
Her heart has been hardening all throughout her string of bad hookups.
Hennes hjärta har hårdnat genom hela hennes rad dåliga anslutningar.
He has helped the poor throughout his life.
Han har hjälpt de fattiga under hela sitt liv.
He was well known throughout the country.
Han var välkänd i hela landet.
All was silent throughout the castle.
Allt var tyst i hela slottet.
He traveled throughout the country.
Han reste genom hela landet.
He stayed in Nagano throughout the summer.
Han stannade i Nagano hela sommaren.
The news caused alarm throughout the village.
Nyheten väckte oro i hela byn.
Also, a lot of houses were damaged; windows were often broken throughout the town.
Dessutom skadades många hus; fönster krossades ofta i hela staden.
The audience sobbed throughout the climax of the movie.
Publiken snyftade under hela filmens klimax.
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